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Turck is a leading manufacturer in
the industrial automation sector.
With more than 4200 employees in
28 countries and with sales partners in
a further 60 countries, we are alwa



Turck is a leading manufacturer in
the industrial automation sector.
With more than 4200 employees in
28 countries and with sales partners in
a further 60 countries, we are always
close to you worldwide. As a specialist
in sensor, fieldbus, connection and interface
technology, as well as Human
Machine Interfaces (HMI) and RFID
systems, we offer efficient solutions
for factory and process automation.
State-of-the-art production facilities in
Germany, Switzerland, the USA, Mexico
and China enable our family-owned
enterprise to meet the requirements of
the local markets quickly and flexibly
at any time.
With over 50 years of experience
and an extensive know-how, we can
support you in every project phase
with efficient services – from the initial
analysis right through to the tailored
solution and commissioning of your
application. The prime objective of our
activities is to continuously improve
the efficiency and productivity of your
manufacturing process or machine.
The excellent quality of our products,
combined with the supportive services
of our specialists and a fast delivery
service, ensures the high availability
of your systems.
Whether in mechanical and system
engineering, in the automotive, transport
and handling, equipment,
food and packaging sectors, or in the
chemical and pharmaceutical industry:
automation solutions and products
from Turck increase the availability
and efficiency of your machines and
plants. The effective standardization
of the products also reduces costs for
procurement, inventory management,
installation and operational reliability
selectively. Specific industrial application
know-how gained from close
dialog with customers, coupled with
electronic development and manufacturing
at the highest level ensure
optimum solutions for your automation

tasks.现场接线型接插件提供的尺寸有 M8 x 1/Ø 8 mm,M12 x 1、1/2"、7/8",M16 x 0.75,M23 x 1;且还可作为伐式接插件。这些接插件使难以评估所需线缆长度的应用中的安装变得更加容易。


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  • 成都市锦江区银木街(绿地468)
  • 028-86751041
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