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 One device is able to supply up to 75 modules.
 By using a number of power feed modules, the power supply can be ensured redundant.
The SC-system offers galvanic isolation i



With the programming adapter S-ADP-USB, highly functional modules such as the temperature converter can be easily programmed via a PC.
For this, the module is connected to the PC via a cable. For configuration purposes,
the convenient configuration tool SC-Config can be downloaded from our website.
Power Feed Module S1SD-2PF
The power feed module S1SD-2PF interfaces 24 V DC power to the Power Bus at a maximum current of 3 A.
 One device is able to supply up to 75 modules.
 By using a number of power feed modules, the power supply can be ensured redundant.
The SC-system offers galvanic isolation in an extremely compact
housing and is optimized for application requirements in safe areas.
The K-system comprises signal conditioners for signal transfer between
control system and safe area as well as isolated barriers for communication
 with field devices in hazardous areas.
They are preferred for these kinds of mixed applications.
Wide range of isolated barriers and signal conditioners for mixed applications
Modules for universal power supply
Reduced wiring by Power Rail
Removable terminals
Many modules with marine approvals and SIL assessment
SC-System signal conditioners are especially designed for general-purpose applications
and ensure absolute reliable process communication. High-quality isolation,
an extended temperature range, and an extremely compact housing design characterize the signal conditioner line.
Programming Adapter S-ADP-USB
The SC-System offers powerful modules for analog and digital measuring signals
– from the isolating amplifier to the highly functional temperature converter to switch amplifier.

 Matching accessories enable easy and fast power supply,
installation and, configuration of signal conditioners.
The SC-System combines the most powerful features of comparable devices in one product family.
Highlights of SC-System signal conditioners
Quick and easy mounting
Reduced wiring effort due to Power Bus
Minimal space requirements due to 6 mm module width and 97 mm height
Extended temperature range from -25° C to 70° C
Maximum protection of people and equipment by high-quality
galvanic isolation with 300 V operating- / 3 kV test voltage
Optimized housing design for easy handling
The SC-system is a signal conditioner product family for applications without
 hazardous areas on the field side. Use our product selector
 to find the ideal solution for your specific requirement.
Modules for analog and digital signals
例如热电偶,热电阻转换为多种标准的仪表信号(1…5V, 4…20 mA, 等.).
These modules are preferred, if both signals from hazardous areas
 and safe areas are transferred between field devices and the control system.
Transmitter power supplies, isolated amplifiers, passive isolators,
 signal converters, and switch amplifiers
24 V DC supply
Reduced wiring effort due to Power Bus
The Power Bus is an insert for DIN mounting rails.
 It provides power to interface modules via power feed modules as well as collective error messages.
As an alternative to the power supply via terminals, the central energy supply is ensured even in larger applications
 – without any single-wire harnessing. The Power Bus fits with any standard rail and is ideally suited for retrofitting.



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